My dearest xuanee lent me her classical guitar today! :D (gosh I'm koping photos from the net again D:)
So this marks my FIRST day of learning the guitar, I know nothing much about it so I'm gonna have to search the internet for chords and everything.
My goal is to play "love to be loved by you" and we'll see how long that'll take! I'm currently learning the basic chords and my fingers are already quite red D: Think I'll play a little while more, bathe and sleep so I'll have enough sleep for tomorrow's run!

(this would be nicer photo if it were a girl HAHA)
Anyway, we had band today. I think we're gonna play Concerto D'amore soon :D. OH, I got a flute upgrade today, it sounds nicer! Still need to practice the running notes though. But so far I guess its going fine. Well I guess.
Gosh, my moonlight sonata movement 3 is still... nevermind. 4th page ROFL. Maybe I'll whack that song after promos, and hopefully be able to play more guitar chords by then LOL.
as for Art... we're gonna do a terribly difficult still life. The set up is really intimidating with a glass bottle and clogs from a difficult angle D: As for the photography ideas, the OTHER (not so good and actually kinda lame) idea got accepted cause the other one's too complicated to do on photoshop. Nvm JESLIN THE INFERTILE WOMAN, I liked your idea alot! :)

btw, terie gave me (it was actually meant to be a surprise) a wonderfully CUTE diy spongebob made out of a milk carton!! Creative or what, I really really love it! (and all diy stuff hehe). and I must say, its seriously nice!!! :D THANKYOU :D (if you're reading)
Xuanee got me a note and a keychain too! That's part one haha! :D Okay hurray for belated birthday gifts. My birthday felt SOOOOO long ago when its actually only a month.
I'll be crossing all my fingers and toes, hopefully I can go beyond 13 km! If I don't... well I guess 10 km is already alot! :D Anyway I've been lazy during PE so it wouldn't be too surprsing HAHA.
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